I would totally do the Feliz-for-scuffed-baseballs exchange, BTW.
Steve Kline is the Giant most likely to find a new home. Left-handed relief specialists are overrated, but they can be useful in the playoffs. You could argue that the 2002 Giants were an effective lefty reliever away from winning the World Series. For a team as bad as the 2007 Giants, there is no reason to devote a roster spot to a lefty specialist. When it gets to late July, general managers go nuts for left-handed relievers, and Kline makes reasonable money. It is unfortunate that Brian Sabean will be the one dealing Kline, because he would normally be his biggest suitor.
I imagine there will be pressure from baseball's broadcast partners to see Kline moved to a contender. Kline's dirty, never-washed cap is worth 25-30 closeups from Fox every time he makes an appearance. Joe Buck and Tim McCarver are already rehearsing their witty one-liners: "His cap is filthy? That CURVEBALL was filthy!" "That's right, Joe. He's a lefty, but he has the RIGHT to wear a dirty hat."

Meanwhile, Chris Berman is almost paralyzed by his options: Some kline of wonderful? Eine Kline-ah nachtmusik? Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives, but I de-Kline?
Make the trade happen, Sabean. Do it for Boomer. And do it for the television audience, because that hat is nearly as gross as Benitez's gut and Messenger's beard combined.
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